Crane Mountain Loop

Region: Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Adirondacks

May 6, 2022 | near Johnsburg, NY

The background: Some descriptors I heard about this hike before I visited included: ladders, rough road to parking lot, amazing views, serene pond, not too long.  All of this turned out to be true - and more.  I finally had an afternoon free from (remote) work in the shoulder season during a stay in nearby Lake George and a partner ready to hike - so off we went to see what Crane was really all about.

Getting there: type “Crane Mountain Trailhead” into Google maps, and it will take you to the correct spot. (It will vary based on the direction you’re coming from since a ways off of I-87.)

For reference, it’s about 35 minutes driving from Lake George village.

You won’t have cell service on the road, so when planning your route to drive home, download a map ahead of time or know the direction in advance.  You will have intermittent cell reception on the trail but do not rely on it.

Note of caution: this road is rough and about 2 miles or so long- which in rough road world can feel a bit like forever. My front wheel drive Jetta made it through OK, but the conditions were perfect for her to do so, meaning no mud, no snow, no ice, and no rain.  None of it. Know this prior to going and that cell service is sparse.  This is why I brought my partner along and did not attempt this alone, merely because of the road, not the actual hiking trail itself.

While there are private residences on the road and the trailhead is not necessarily in the backcountry miles away from civilization, I don’t know if they are there year round to be able to help you if your car got stuck in an emergency.  The toughest part of this hike for me was the drive in; however, I promise once you get the drive in out of the way, you’re in for one of the most magical hikes in the park.  (On a side note, the drive in felt a little bit like a safari… really cool but slightly scary for my lil’ Jetta.)

The hike: about 3.5 miles, elevation gain ~1,300 feet. I would recommend the loop counter clockwise so you’re going up the ladders versus down them and walking along the serene pond on your way out- but you can pick your poison!

While I always promote adding hikes to your day when time, weather, and energy permit, I truly encourage you to make a half day or day of this trail. The pond, the scenery, all of it - just soak it in. The shorter mileage will allow you more time to really enjoy the loop and all it has to offer (but don’t underestimate the steep ascent!)

However, if you are looking to tackle another hike semi-nearby, I would recommend Hadley Mountain Fire Tower or Potash Mountain (both approx. 35-40 min south.)


Catskills: Wittenberg + Cornell Mountains


ADK 46: Haystack, Basin, Saddleback